House Hunting Nuts final dummy. In this book we follow the journey of Little S, a Snail that wants to find a new house, and finds many different ways of...
The final Artwork originals were created on one layer using acrylic gouache, dry pastels, felt pens, Neocollor II and colour pencils over Canaletto Velino smooth paper. Final Artworks Image making...
Drawing from observation of photos and videos. Sample of references researched. Colour pallet and materials research. Experimenting on the same image using different colour papers as a base and mixed...
Here you can see the book development through dummies. The first appearance of the narrative form of the book, was on this dummy bellow. I’ve started writing as a dummy,...
I've made a puzzel out of card board and used the pieces as building blocks to made diferente buildings compositions.
Experiments on Monoprint using cut outs made out of packaging.
Exercise on memory drawing and repetition, based on stories on the book Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino.
Nuts about Nuts final dummy. A counting book staring a very check squirrel obsessed for nuts and has a thing or two to learn about numbers.
Final Artwork made using brush felt pens over bristol board paper. The paper choice was seleted for having a very smooth base for the pens. The felt tip pens were...