Here you can see the book development through dummies. The first appearance of the narrative form of the book, was on this dummy bellow. I’ve started writing as a dummy, instead of using thumbnails on the flat plan or spare sheets as I’ve done previously. This process helped me to visualised the page turn, and to write simultaneously the history with text and the images.
This next dummy shows the narrative with more developed roughs and text. It was presented on week 5. I was pleased surprised that people responded laughing at parts of the story. And it was a turning point for me, as I haven’t looked at my work in terms of using humour before, but I suddenly realized that I actually do use humour quite often, not necessarily into the writing but on the images.
On this dummy I’ve also tried something new, which is to sketch directly on Procreate. Software that I’m using for the first time. I think this really helped me speed this part of the process, and not get too precious about the drawing, yet having enough detail to show the narrative.
Narrative development viewed on flat plans. Early version first.
From Shelley workshop text versions narrated on 3rd person and on 1st person.
Katherina’s narrative day workshop. Exercise on trying different pages into two points of view.